Conveners committee
The Conveners Committee will:
- act and make appropriate decisions on behalf of Council (with the exception of the functions of Council to make rules and schemes) between Council meetings;
- ensure that arrangements are in place that secure the effective risk management of GTC Scotland and monitor such arrangements appropriately;
- oversee implementation of any Council communication strategy; and
- direct strategically the commissioning of research by GTC Scotland to inform it of its functions.
It will also advise, inform and put forward recommendations or proposals to Council (or its other committees or sub-committees where appropriate) on all aspects of:
- shaping and advancing the strategic direction of GTC Scotland and the Council;
- GTC Scotland’s annual report;
- establishing and reviewing GTC Scotland’s communication strategy;
- the governance of the Council including the establishment and review of the Standing Order and Committee Scheme, the Election Scheme, the Appointments Scheme and Code of Conduct and Membership Scheme together with any related policies; and
- the establishment of such other registers of other individuals working in educational settings as is seen fit.
In addition, the Conveners Committee is empowered to delegate any of its functions and responsibilities to such other GTC Scotland committees or sub-committees as it sees fit.