Freedom of information


The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) is intended to promote a culture of openness and accountability among public sector bodies.

It provides a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, including GTC Scotland.

Publication scheme

The FOISA requires GTC Scotland to produce and maintain a publication scheme.

GTC Scotland has adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme 2015 and has produced a guide to:

  • help you see what information we make available about who we are, what we do and how we do it
  • state what charges may be applied when we provide a publication to you
  • explain how to find the information we publish
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing the information
  • explain how to request information we hold that has not been published

Any information not made available through our publication scheme can be requested under FOISA, subject to certain exemptions.

View responses to past requests

You can read the responses provided for past FOI requests in our FOI disclosure log. Responses are available for a period of 3 years.

How to make a FOISA request

You can either make a FOISA request by submitting your details using the Freedom of Information request form, or alternatively you can find information about how to write to us below.

Freedom of information FAQs

Address for postal requests

Please send written FOI requests to:

Information Compliance Team
General Teaching Council for Scotland
Clerwood House
96 Clermiston Road
EH12 6UT