It is a legal requirement for all teachers working in Scottish schools to be registered with GTC Scotland.
If you are a student undertaking an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme at a Scottish education institution, you will find more information on applying for registration with GTC Scotland below.
If you are interested in becoming a student teacher, you’ll find advice on Initial Teacher Education programmes on the Teach in Scotland website:
Higher Education Institutions deliver programmes of Initial Teacher Education. We accredit these programmes to ensure that they align with the Standard for Provisional Registration for teachers. Each programme is reaccredited after six years to ensure that standards are maintained.
Student Teacher Finishing Talk 2024
Advice and support for Initial Teacher Education Student Teachers who will be starting probation in August 2024.
Section 1: Preparing for your probation year
Section 2: Starting your ITE profile
Section 3: Probation allocation on the Teacher Induction Scheme
Section 4: Your journey through the Teacher Induction Scheme
Student placements
In July 2024, GTC Scotland withdrew from managing the process of allocating Initial Teacher Education students to placements within Scottish schools. Any questions regarding student placements or the student placement scheme (SPS) should be redirected as below:
· For Schools please contact your Local Authority for assistance.
· For Local Authorities and Higher Education Institutes please refer to your own partnership members.