User testing GTC Scotland digital products

A primary school teacher sitting at a pupil desk with her laptop

User testing

As part of our 2023-28 strategic plan and supporting strategies, we are reviewing our digital platforms with a view to modernise the experience for our registrants.

We are looking to test our new designs with current MyGTCS users to evaluate how well they work and what further usability improvements can be made.

Testing sessions will typically last up to one hour and can either take place online, or at the GTC Scotland office in Edinburgh.

A primary school teacher sitting at a pupil desk with her laptop
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Upcoming testing: 30 Sept - 18 Oct

This testing will focus on hose who are currently, or were recently provisionally registered, and headteachers who submit them for full registration.

NB: We understand that the October holidays overlap with some of these dates and have chosen these three weeks to ensure that slots will be available for all registrants within term time.