Employing teachers
It is law in Scotland to employ only GTC Scotland registered teachers as teachers in Scotland’s schools. This employment must align with the teacher's GTC Scotland registration category.
The integrity of the Register and the application of it in this way is essential in assuring the public that only those with suitable qualifications are allowed to teach in our schools.
Employing college lecturers
In March 2018, Colleges Scotland Employers Association and the Educational Institute of Scotland Further Education Lecturers’ Association (EIS-FELA) agreed on mandatory registration with GTC Scotland as part of the outcome of national bargaining (NJNC Circular 03/18).
Registration with GTC Scotland forms part of the agreed national terms and conditions of employment for all college lecturers.
Queries about the employment of lecturers should be directed to Colleges Scotland and questions about TQFE (Teaching Qualification for Further Education) provision and costs should be directed to TQFE providers.
Employing headteachers
Holding the Standard for Headship by completing a headship qualification is a prerequisite for teachers taking up their first permanent headteacher post in local authority and grant-aided schools in Scotland.
Find out more about who can be employed as a headteacher in Scotland, and the routes to the Standard for Headship.
Fitness to Teach
Our communities place a high degree of trust in teachers. They rely on teachers to interpret what is right and wrong, keep children safe and be positive role models.
One of GTC Scotland’s core roles as the teaching profession’s independent registration and regulation body is to ensure teaching standards. It is our role to decide if someone should belong to the teaching profession.
We rely on employers to alert us to Fitness to Teach concerns and to support this process.
Professional Standards
The Professional Standards for Scotland’s teachers describe teacher professionalism in Scotland; teachers’ ‘way of being’. They support and promote partnership, leadership, enquiry and professional learning and have multiple purposes.