Apply as a college lecturer
Why do college lecturers need to register with GTC Scotland?
Registration with GTC Scotland now forms part of the agreed national terms and conditions of employment for all college lecturers.
In March 2018, Colleges Scotland Employers Association and the EIS – Further Education Lecturers’ Association (EIS-FELA) agreed on mandatory registration with GTC Scotland as part of the outcome of national bargaining (NJNC Circular 03/18).
In December 2018, a College Lecturer Registration Roundtable, attended by GTC Scotland, EIS-FELA, Colleges Scotland and the Scottish Government, committed to working together to register college lecturers with GTC Scotland.
College Lecturers covered by the NJNC agreements (all unpromoted and promoted lecturers at levels 1, 2 and 3) should apply for registration.
The current registration fee is £65 for all registrants and covers the period 1 April to 31 March. The fee remains the same irrespective of the point during this period at which you join or leave the Register, and will not be reduced pro rata.