Provisional (Conditional) Registration (college lecturer)

Eligibility requirements

GTC Scotland’s Council has approved the Standard for Provisional Registration (Lecturers – in Scotland’s Colleges).

This Standard provides a new route to registration for college lecturers who:

  • are employed at a Scottish college; and
  • do not yet hold a GTC Scotland-recognised teaching qualification, or the equivalent for those qualified outside of Scotland.

If you are a member of this group of college lecturers, you can now apply for Provisional (Conditional) Registration in the Further Education category of the Register of Teachers.

Qualified college lecturers

If you have a recognised teaching qualification or equivalent, please use the form that matches your context:

Conditions of Provisional (Conditional) Registration

When your registration is assessed, we will provide you with the specific conditions of your Provisional (Conditional) Registration.

A standard set of conditions applies to all those awarded Provisional (Conditional) Registration as laid out below:


Registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTC Scotland) within the category and status noted above, is subject to the following condition and in the knowledge that you must otherwise remain eligible to be provisionally registered in accordance with GTC Scotland’s Registration and Standards rules.


Within 5 years of the date that you first obtained your GTC Scotland registration you must either:

  1. Obtain a teaching qualification in Scotland that has been either:
    • awarded following successful completion of a GTC Scotland accredited initial teacher education programme in the school teacher context; or
    • warded following successful completion of a programme recognised by Scottish Ministers under Article 30 of the The Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011 in the further education teacher context; or
  2. Obtain a teaching qualification following completion of a programme of teacher education at an institution that is recognised by the United Kingdom National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills (UK ENIC). The programme must have borne the equivalent of a minimum of 60 Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) credit points at SCQF level 9 (or above). The organisation and content of the teacher education undertaken must be comparable to programmes of initial teacher education in Scotland in further education. This will be evaluated with reference to any guidance issued by the Scottish Government on programmes in Scotland that lead to a teaching qualification in further education (and any other relevant or related guidance made with reference to Article 30 of the Order).
  3. The teacher education must as a minimum:
    • relate to the teaching of adult learners;
    • include pedagogic/andragogic studies;
    • include professional studies; and
    • include college-based teaching experience observed and assessed by the awarding institution. For the avoidance of doubt, the teaching qualification requirements may be met cumulatively through more than one programme of teacher education or top-up provision.

Any reference to legislation (or similar) will be construed as a reference to such legislation (or similar) as it may be supplemented, amended, substituted, re-named or replaced from time to time.

You must inform the following parties that your GTC Scotland registration in Further Education is subject to the above condition and provide them with a copy of the registration decision that resulted in the condition being placed upon you:

  • Any organisation or person employing you as a College Lecturer or in a post for which GTC Scotland registration is required (whether on a permanent, temporary or supply basis); and
  • Any prospective employer covered by (a) above at the time of making your application for employment.

GTC Scotland are not responsible for any costs associated with complying with the condition set out above.

Once you believe that you have fully satisfied the condition, you must provide GTC Scotland with written evidence of successful completion.  

Document checklist

Please click on each item on the checklist below to view details of the information required to support your application. Once you have all of this information, including the three completed forms, click the button at the end of this page to access a form to upload these documents, and submit them to begin your application.

Please ask a colleague to complete the Endorser Confirmation Form. This colleague must:

  • know you;
  • hold Full Registration with GTC Scotland; and
  • ideally, be your line manager or occupy a leadership role in the college.

By completing this form, they confirm that:

  • you have participated in internal quality assurance processes and/or external awarding body verification;
  • that you meet the Standard for Provisional Registration (Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges; and
  • that they endorse your application for Provisional (Conditional) Registration.

Guidance for completing Form A

Step 1: Identify an appropriate Endorser to complete Form A and ask them to endorse your application.

Step 2: Send your Endorser an electronic copy of Form A or a link to this webpage.

Step 3: The Endorser completes Form A and signs the document (they can add the image of a scanned signature to the document, or complete, print, sign and scan the document).

Step 4: The Endorser should send you the completed signed form.

Confirmation Form A: Endorser

Please ask a representative of your college’s Human Resources/People team to complete this form.

In this form they are asked to:

  • confirm you are a current employee and
  • outline any formal disciplinary action or investigation that has been taken against you.

If you work for more than one college, please have a HR representative from each college you are employed by complete this form.

Guidance for completing Form B

  • Step 1: Notify your college HR department(s) that you are applying to GTC Scotland for Provisional (Conditional) Registration.
  • Step 2: Confirm with your HR Department if they require an electronic copy of Form B or link to this webpage.
  • Step 3:  The college HR department must complete Form B, stamp the document (if available) and sign the document (they can add the image of a scanned signature to the document, or complete, print, sign and scan the document).
  • Step 4: The HR department must then send you the completed form to upload as part of your application.

Confirmation form B: HR representative

Please complete the college lecturer Provisional (Conditional) Registration application form in full.

College Lecturer Provisional (Conditional) Registration application form

Please provide a clear photo or scan of a utility bill (gas, electric, satellite television, landline phone bill) issued within the last three months.

Please provide a clear photo or scan of photo identification. We accept passports, National ID Cards and photo driving licences.

Please provide a clear photo or scan of your birth certificate.

If you do not have a birth certificate, we accept an alternative form of identification. We accept passports, National ID Cards, utility bills and photo driving licences.

If you are submitting an alternative to the birth certificate, please make sure that this is a different form of identification from those submitted for the utility bill and photo identification stages above.

We need a criminal record check from applicants who have spent 6 months or more (in a single period) in a non-UK country in the last 5 years. 

Learn more about criminal record checks. 

We require all documents that are not in English to be officially translated.

We recommend that you visit Association of Translation Companies where you can find your nearest translation company.

Submit application

Once you have all the materials outlined above, please use the button below to submit them to us.  

We accept the following file types: .docx .doc .pdf .odt .jpeg .jpg .png. The maximum file size per upload is 10MB.

To help us to process your application, please include your first and last name in the file names.