Finance and Corporate Services committee

Vice convener

The Finance and Corporate Services Committee will:

  • secure the effective risk and budget management as well as internal and financial control of GTC Scotland;
  • manage GTC Scotland’s banking, investment and insurance arrangements and policies;
  • oversee the actions of the Audit and Staffing Sub-Committees;
  • ensure that GTC Scotland meets its responsibilities as a good employer which includes overseeing policy matters related to the remuneration and conditions of service of GTC Scotland employees (excluding the Chief Executive) and staff organisation and structure;
  • secure the effective management of GTC Scotland property as well as establish, review and oversee policies related to the procurement by GTC Scotland of goods and services;
  • ensure that GTC Scotland, as a body with charitable status, complies with any applicable charities legislation;
  • oversee implementation of any GTC Scotland information and technology strategy;
  • ensure the maintenance and security of the register;
  • establish, review and oversee the implementation of policies related to GTC Scotland’s compliance with data protection, health and safety, equality and diversity and freedom of information legislation as well as with regard to service complaints;
  • oversee implementation of the Election, Appointments and Code of Conduct and Membership Schemes (including the performance review process prescribed by Council as regards Council members); and
  • commission and publish research when appropriate with regard to the functions and responsibilities delegated to the committee.

It will also advise, inform and put forward recommendations or proposals to Council (or its other committees or sub-committees where appropriate) on:

  • GTC Scotland’s annual budget and accounts;
  • the remuneration of the Chief Executive;
  • setting registration and any other similar GTC Scotland fees;
  • establishing and reviewing GTC Scotland’s information and technology strategy;
  • GTC Scotland’s expenses and compensation policy (or similar) for members; and
  • any consultation exercise, report or similar arising that is of relevance to the Committee’s other delegated responsibilities.