Register of interests

Council member category
Lay member
1. Remuneration (employment, job, trade, profession or vocation)
  • Scottish Sensory Hub (SSH) Manager
2. Related undertakings
  • The Scottish Sensory Hub (SSH) at the ALLIANCE provides the secretariat for the Scottish Parliament Cross Party group on Deafness. From 2025, I will be the lead contact.
    Work on Cross Party Groups cannot be remunerated by Scottish Parliament; time spent is covered as part of my employment at the ALLIANCE. The communication costs (British Sign Language - English interpretation and electronic captions) for the meetings of the Cross Party Group on Deafness are covered by donations from an external funder. More information is available here.
3. Contracts with GTC Scotland
  • n/a
4. Assets and investments
  • n/a
5. Non-financial interests
  • n/a
6. Gifts and hospitality
  • n/a
July 2024