Coaching for Success at D&A: Seeing the world as others see it

PR award:
Dundee and Angus College

About the programme

Dundee and Angus College firmly believe that the development and embedding of coaching as part of organisational culture, has the potential to enhance and enrich the way we communicate and relate to each other.  Ultimately helping to create a person’s sense of direction, purpose, and momentum towards personal and professional success.  As we stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way relate to one another, leveraging coaching skills that facilitate new thinking and equitable conversation, is more vital than ever.

At D&A, we have developed a joined-up, whole-college approach in becoming ‘meta-skills and metacognition aware’.  This underpins the opportunity to take forward a set of human skills that best support our students and staff to meet and overcome challenges with persistence, resourcefulness, and determination.

Our programme aims

  • To develop essential and key skills for non-directive coaching: incisive questions, listening   with intention, summarising, and feedback.
  • To assess and understand the impact of self-discovery; how to set and achieve goals.
  • To provide non-directive coaching as a valuable tool for professional and personal development.

Our programme outcomes

Enhance capability and desire to:

  • Engage in self-evaluation and personal reflection and learning.
  • Coach in a way that enables higher levels of performance.
  • Enable others to be accountable for their role and responsibilities.
  • Truly listen and to empathise with another person's view.
  • Work with co-coach to give and receive effective behavioural feedback.
  • Reflect on ways in which relevant literature has informed thinking and practice.

From which results in personal confidence and commitment to:

  • Engage in self-development and learning.
  • Contribute to others' personal development.
  • Transfer experience and learning into lecturing / group tutor environments, and beyond the four walls of a classroom.

The programme is cross-curricular and cross-college, allowing staff from different subject disciplines and departments the space and confidence to work closely together and develop a greater understanding of each other’s contexts and is based largely on the work of Robert Holden’s “Success Intelligence” and Ben Renshaw’s “SuperCoaching”.

Programme overview

We aim to create a mutually supportive relationship/ community that will co-exist and grow alongside the development of the skills, tools, and techniques.

  • Three full-day in-person sessions, and 4 evening Symposiums, via MS Teams (4:00pm–5:00pm)
  • Intersessional activities include professional reading from the recommended reading list for practice and discussion utilisation, as well as using coaching tools and techniques.
  • Supported by monthly drop in catch-up and share/ question opportunities. These may be held online, and/or in-person.
  • Participants meet with co-coach a minimum of 8X for face-to-face practice co-coaching sessions utilising relevant coaching tools.
  • Maintain a reflective diary and session log.

Assessment arrangements

Final written assignment which reflects on the personal understanding, development and application of non-directive coaching skills, and the impact this has had on practice.


Laura Watson (Learning and Teaching Mentor / Lecturer)

Shona McKnight (Learning and Teaching Mentor / Lecturer)