PR award:
First Steps into Leadership and Management
Positive People Development

About the programme

All teachers are leaders, ranging from leading learning in the classroom to leading a large number of staff. Many professional learning opportunities are available for teachers in promoted positions, however there are a limited number of opportunities for non-promoted staff to engage in programmes which will allow them to further develop their leadership and management skills, reflect on their practice, share their experiences and give them the confidence to apply for their first promoted post.

This programme is delivered in partnership with the Local Authority and is aimed at aspiring leaders within schools who wish to develop their skills and confidence as a leader and apply for their first promoted post.

Learning Outcomes

To achieve Professional Recognition participants will be required to evidence the following learning outcomes:-

  • Critically review and extend knowledge, skills and practice through professional dialogue with course participants
  • Develop self-awareness of personal motivations, leadership styles and further develop communication skills, by completing the Strength Deployment Inventory
  • Provide the opportunity for self-reflection and identification of personal development goals in relation to the GTC Scotland Standard for Middle Leadership.
  • Draw on relevant sources to inform knowledge of leadership, associated approaches and apply a range of these professional skills and techniques to your school context
  • Evaluate and critically analyse the relevance of leadership theories, concepts and principals in relation to your own professional learning
  • Identify measures of success for the leadership project and evaluate the impact on staff and students
  • Take significant responsibility for an area of school improvement and make an identifiable contribution to change
  • Confidently lead peers and staff to achieve the desired outcomes of the leadership project
  • Establish a process to collate data to measure the impact of and disseminate information from the project
  • Achieve GTC Scotland Professional Recognition by fulfilling the assessment criteria
  • Induction (0.5 day)
  • Understanding & Developing Yourself as a Leader (1 day)
  • Leader as a Coach (1 day)
  • Developing People (1 day)
  • Leading and Managing Change (0.5 day)
  • Learning Journey Presentations (0.5 day)