PR award:
Inclusive Education
Edinburgh University

About the programme

The MSc Inclusive Education is designed for teachers and other education professionals who want to make a difference to the lives of children and young people.

Our distinctive approach presents a reimagined future for learners and teachers, where responding to human diversity is recognised as the point, not the problem, of education. The programme responds to the need for professionals with the capacity to respond to the increasing cultural, linguistic and developmental diversity of school communities and the pressure to achieve high academic standards for everybody, while safeguarding the inclusion of those who are vulnerable to exclusion and other forms of marginalisation.

The programme offers a range of core and optional courses that cover inclusive classroom pedagogy, ways of working with other professionals to remove specific barriers to learning, as well as teacher’s engagement with broader social justice issues, and acting as agents of change in their school communities.

The core content of the programme draws from the disciplines of education, sociology, psychology, disability and childhood studies to enhance knowledge and understanding of the issues related to inclusion


The experience of engaging with the MSc Inclusive Education has been a life-changing one, both personally and professionally. Studying at Moray House has provided me with a range of opportunities which have encouraged me to critically reflect on my teaching practice, engage with other teaching professionals and develop my academic writing skills. Through research and engaging with theory on a deeper level, I have enjoyed making links between theory, policy and practice; however, have also been professionally challenged by the gap between academic literature, Scottish Government policy and day-to-day practice in Scottish schools. This has largely guided my research as I have been interested in the lived experiences of teachers in Scottish education, which I explored in numerous essays and also my dissertation.

Qualifications available

You have the choice of applying for a full or part-time MSc programme or you can apply for a part-time Postgraduate Certificate or a part-time Postgraduate Diploma. If you choose the Postgraduate Diploma, you will also have the option of specialising in a specific pathway. You can also apply for some stand-alone courses via our Professional Learning provision.

More information

More information about the programme is available at our website.


Programme Director Dr Nataša Pantić