Columba 1400 is an award-winning charity and social enterprise. We run values-based leadership academies for head teachers and depute heads throughout Scotland.

Working from our awe-inspiring centres in Ayrshire and Loch Lomond we create the conditions for change. We give head teachers and depute heads the space and time

to reflect and develop their leadership skills so they can create transformational change in their schools and communities.

The academies take place online and include a three-day residential at the Blair Estate in Dalry or Ardoch. Using the framework of our six core values – Awareness, Creativity, Focus, Integrity, Perseverance and Service– we support head teachers as they reconnect with their values, develop their leadership skills, and embark on their own journey of personal transformation. Participants leave with new purpose and a network of senior leaders motivated to drive change.

Funded by The Scottish Government and The Hunter Foundation, and accredited to the Excellence in Headship Programme, our Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy is open to head teachers and depute heads from all sectors – including nursery, primary and secondary – in Scotland.

After taking part in our Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy:

  • 96% of participants said their confidence increased
  • 94% had improved their leadership skills
  • 93% had increased their resilience
  • 79% said it had helped improve staff morale
  • 73% said it helped to improve their school’s performance.

“My Columba 1400 Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy was quite unbelievable. I could not have expected to have developed my thinking, understanding and refocus my values in such a short time.” Head Teachers’ Leadership Academy graduate.

To find out more email us at or visit visit the Columba 1400 website.