Health and wellbeing as a teacher
Professional values
At GTC Scotland we hold the wellbeing of all teachers and learners in the highest regard.
The professional values include a commitment to understand and promote the health and wellbeing of yourself, colleagues, and learners.

Taking care of yourself
Support and advice
Wellbeing Planning tool
The Wellbeing planning tool, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) - this tool provides a traffic light warning system that individuals can use to recognise if their own wellbeing may be at risk and suggests ways to manage stress.
- Breathing Space – a confidential out-of-hours telephone line for people experiencing low mood, anxiety or depression: 0800 83 85 87
- Education Support – anyone in education can call the free and confidential helpline run by Education Support: 08000 562561
- Scotland’s domestic abuse and forced marriage hotline – 24-hour helpline if you feel scared of your partner or if you are worried about someone you know: 0800 027 1234
- The Samaritans – a free 24-hour telephone helpline for anyone struggling to cope. Telephone 116 123 or email
Taking care of each other
- Mental health and wellbeing strategy, Scottish Government - published in June 2023, this strategy sets out the long-term vision and approach to improving mental health and wellbeing for everyone in Scotland
- Whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing, Scottish Government
- Talking toolkit, Health and Safety Executive
Taking care of our learners
- Whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing self-evaluation framework, Scottish Government - this framework places the rights of the child at the heart of the whole school community and provides an opportunity to reflect on their own learning needs.
- Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing: a knowledge and skills framework for the Scottish workforce, NES - published in 2021, this framework is for everyone working with children and young people. It provides a common language and shared understanding of the mental health and wellbeing needs of children and how this links with staff learning and development.
- Inclusion, wellbeing and equalities professional learning framework, Education Scotland - this framework aims to support those working in educational contexts.
- Positive mental wellbeing: resources to support children and young people, Education Scotland
- Nurture and trauma-informed approaches: A summary of supports and resources, Education Scotland