The School Leaders Scotland Professional Learning programme offers a range of high quality learning experiences designed to enhance the capacity of school leaders and their schools to deliver the best outcomes for our young people. The rationale for our programme is to provide professional learning opportunities which will ultimately impact positively on the learning experiences of young people. This is why the programme is developed annually to reflect the ever changing educational landscape and to offer delegates an opportunity to attend a range of events year on year, thus strengthening their own professional learning.

The programme has, at its heart, the theme of continuing professional learning at all levels. Our programme supports professional learning for those in middle, senior and aspiring to senior leadership positions. There is a clear recognition of the importance of leadership of and for learning. An important feature of the inputs from practitioners is the journey which they have made, including the challenges and obstacles which have been faced and overcome on the way. It is by sharing an honest account of this journey that delegates are encouraged to reflect on their own practice and look to bring about change within their own school. All events include a session which looks at the current strategic position of the particular theme as well as the perspectives of practitioners.

Attendees at our professional learning events are very much encouraged to take at enquiry based approach to their own learning journey. This enquiry-based learning encourages middle and senior leaders to take part in the research practices of the specific theme, thereby strengthening the links between teaching and learning in the school context. This research enables them to engage actively and creatively with questions and problems, often in collaboration with other leaders/staff/partners. The research tasks enable the exploration and investigation of issues and are open-ended so that different responses and solutions are possible.

For session 2019-2020 programme themes include:

  • Ready for Inspection ?; Leadership of learning; Empowering family learning; Planning, tracking and monitoring
  • Revisiting the broad general education; Developing the senior phase; Supporting Learners in the senior phase
  • A Mentally Healthy School; Included, engaged and involved
  • Building a digital school; Learning for sustainability
  • Career Pathways – next steps ?; Head Teachers’ Charter – a look at empowerment
  • Managing difficult situations

Information on all our events can be found on the SLS website.