The Wood Foundation (TWF) has more than a decade’s experience developing, delivering and investing in three core areas:

  • Developing Young People in Scotland
  • Facilitating Economic & Education Development in Scotland
  • Transforming Livelihoods through Venture Philanthropy in Africa

TWF invests finance and expertise to build the capability of individuals, communities and economies for systemic, sustainable and impactful progress.

TWF works closely with Education Scotland, Scottish Government, local authorities, school-based leaders and classroom practitioners to identify where there is growing demand for professional learning and a lack of provision to meet that demand. Following this, TWF undertakes extensive research to identify global education trends that could support the Scottish curriculum. We draw on the experience of learning institutions and organisations developing and delivering innovative, academically robust teaching and learning practices.

Upon identifying opportunities for engagement, TWF works in consultation with our stakeholders and internationally- renowned partners to co-create professional learning programmes which aim to build the knowledge, skills, networks and capabilities of educationalists working within Scotland’s school-based education system. TWF operationally manages and funds these programmes through our ‘Developing Young People in Scotland’ portfolio.

TWF invests in professional learning within education as a means of supporting the development of young people nationally. TWF has a preference for professional learning that encapsulates a real-world context; supporting learners to understand how the curriculum relates to the world of work and their pupils’ roles as active citizens. Current programmes include:

Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI)

YPI is an active citizenship programme that empowers young people to understand and make a difference within their local community.

Global Learning Partnerships (GLP)

GLP is an 18-month experiential programme of professional learning that aims to increase learners’ knowledge and understanding, experience of and confidence in delivering global and sustainable education within CfE. GLP works with practitioners working in Scotland’s 3-18 school-based education system. It is an evolving programme which is co-created with teachers.

Excelerate Learning

Excelerate is a five-year pilot programme to develop young people’s readiness for work by enabling schools and partners to deliver high-quality, diverse pathways that fully realise the opportunities of CfE.

Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE)

RAiSE is delivered through a partnership of Education Scotland, TWF, Scottish Government and participating local authorities. It enhances the confidence and skills of primary school practitioners to improve learning and teaching in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

Each programme of professional learning incorporates a strategy for evaluating learner progress.

We believe that everyone is a learner regardless of knowledge, skill, expertise and experience, everyone has something to learn. Likewise, everyone has something to share and it is vitally important that educators are given the opportunity to learn from and share with peers. As a result, collaboration is core to TWF programmes of professional learning.