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How to use the Webflow Editor
Adding/editing collection list records
Please only edit collection lists that are your responsibility:
- News articles - Policy Officer
- Documents (for the purposes of adding new documents for a news article) - Policy Officer
- Teaching Scotland magazine - Policy Officer (COMING SOON)
- FOI responses - Information Governance Officer
For all other updates please contact Digital Support.
News articles
- tbc
- Please see notes below regarding adding files.
FOI responses
- tbc
Naming conventions
It is important to follow the naming convention for any files being uploaded to the site. This include everything but images at this time.
- All files should start with "GTCS_"
- Files should not use "_" elsewhere in them
- File names should be in sentence case e.g. "Guidance on becoming a teacher"
- Only include a year at the end if it is a key part of the document title and use the full year e.g. 2024, or 2023-24 if a range
- File name should be the same as the title inside the document or at least say what it is
- When dates must be included (e.g. Council minutes) the format to follow is DD-MM-YYYY e.g. 06-05-2024
- A few documents have a standard naming convention:
- GTCS_Council minutes 06-05-2024
- GTCS_FOI response 23-24_78
- GTCS_FOI response 23-24_78_related information 2
- GTCS_Consultation response: The topic of the response
Dates in Webflow
Dates in the Webflow editor are formated in the American style of MM-DD-YYYY.
Document uploads
Documents must be uploaded with an image of the front cover (usually as a .png file).
Pages (internal)
Regular page
All internal pages should be set to open in the same tab (the default setting so no action required).
Choose an page from the drop down menu.
Knowledge Base pages
To link to a Knowledge Base page please find the page in your browser and copy the link. Add it as a hyperlink, but do not set it to open in a new tab.
You can link to specific sections of a page, however this is a bit complicated unless you are familiar at reading code. If you need a link please contact Lynsey or Dave to supply one.
Pages (external)
All external links should be set to open in a new tab.
We don't use the 'link to file' option in Webflow. Instead, each document has it's own page. Please link to that page.
You can set a link to send an email. Please enter a subject line as well as the email address. The user can always amend it if they wish, but it should be set initially.
Approved nouns and associated acroynms
Can also use 'Full (Associate) Status'.
Only capitalise when referring to it as its name. E.g. "We are governed by a council of 37 members. This Council works to..."
Only capitalised when when referring to it by name. E.g. "During the Fitness to Teach process, we seek to assess a person's fitness to teach."
We do not usually capitalise 'teachers', but this is an exception.
Not capitalised
The following word should not be capitalised:
- college lecturer
- committee
- deferral
- direct submission
- local authority
- panel
- policy
- registrant
- registration fee
- teacher
Time and dates
- 4:30am not 4:30 am
Document links - no file
Content: Content
Content: Content
- List 1
- List 2