This FOI request went through an internal review process at the request of the original requester. The follow up response can be found below the original request.

Original request

Summary of request

Fitness to Teach statistics
Date of request:
Date of response:
Successful icon - white tick on a green backgroundPartially successful icon - white tick on a green and orange backgroundInformation not held icon - white folder with a cross in it on a red backgroundUnsuccessful icon - white cross on a red backgroundRepeat request icon - white circular arrow on a red background
No items found.

Full request

Since the 1 January 2022 till present how many fitness to teach referrals have their been made by members of the public

Since the 1 January 2022 till present how many of these public referrals included allegations that a child or young leaner was harmed

Since the 1 January 2022 till present how many of these public referrals which included allegations of a child or young learner being harmed after initial consideration were investigated by the GTCS.


I refer to your request for information dated 29 January 2024 (FOI 23 - 24 / 84) in which you asked for information on Fitness to Teach statistics since 2022. We requested clarification on 29 and 30 January to which you responded on both days.

Specifically, you asked for information on how many Fitness to Teach referrals have been made by members of the public since 1 January 2022 to present, how many of these included allegations that a child was harmed as the result of the conduct and how many of these were investigated by GTC Scotland after being referred.

We requested clarification from you on the kinds of harm considered under your request with specific examples however you were unable to provide any. You responded that your request considers any “allegation that a child has been harmed as a result of an alleged act or lack of action taken by a registered teacher” to include “physical, psychological or whatever harm has been alleged caused to a child or learner.”

You also clarified that you wanted to know whether GTC Scotland categorised harm into “harm” and “significant harm” and that we should provide a breakdown of these categories across each of your three queries. I can confirm that these are not categories which are used by GTC Scotland.

We also specified in our request for clarification that we would have to spend excessive resources locating, retrieving and providing the information which would incur a fee under section 12 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act. We suggested that you limit the scope of your request for statistics from October 2022 to present to fall under the £100 limit under which no charge is made. Instead, you have attempted to submit two individual requests for records from January 2022 to December 2022 and from January 2023 to December 2023. Please note that these requests would be treated cumulatively on appeal, however, for the sake of convenience we have elected to deal with the request singularly under our duty to provide assistance under section 15 of FOISA and waive the fee in this instance.

Please see our response to each of your queries below.

You asked for the number of Fitness to Teach referrals which have been made by members of the public since 1 January 2022 to the date of your request being 29 January 2024. Within that time-period, there were 116 referrals made by members of the public.

You also asked for the number of these referrals which included allegations that a child had been harmed in any way as a result of the conduct. Of the 116 referrals received, in 66 of them it was alleged that a child or young person had been harmed in some way. We have taken a broad interpretation of “harm” as you requested.

Finally, you asked how many of these were investigated by GTC Scotland after being referred. Of the 66 referrals, 23 were (or are being) investigated. A decision whether or not to investigate 6 of these referrals had not been made as at 29 January 2024.

I hope this information is helpful. If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may contact to request GTCS conduct a review of this decision. You should describe the original request and explain your grounds of review. You have 40 working days from receipt of this decision to submit a review request. When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may use the Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance on making an appeal to make an appeal to the Commissioner.

Internal Review request

Summary of request

Fitness to Teach statistics
Date of request:
Date of response:
Decision upheld icon - no sign with rotating arrowsDecision upheld with modification icon - no sign with rotating arrows and orange plus sign in the middleSubstituted with new decision icon - rotating arrows in a green circle
No items found.

Full request


Response file