This FOI request went through an internal review process at the request of the original requester. The follow up response can be found below the original request.

Original request

Summary of request

The number of Registrants with Computing and an additional subject
Date of request:
Date of response:
Successful icon - white tick on a green backgroundPartially successful icon - white tick on a green and orange backgroundInformation not held icon - white folder with a cross in it on a red backgroundUnsuccessful icon - white cross on a red backgroundRepeat request icon - white circular arrow on a red background
Partially successful
No items found.

Full request

I was looking through the summary stats for schools and trying to find information on the number of secondary teachers in Scotland who have Computing listed as a second subject. EG their main subject is X but are also registered to teach Computing.

Would it be possible to get this data, ideally historical?


I refer to your request for information dated 17 June 2024 (FOI 24 - 25/13) in which you asked for “the number of secondary teachers in Scotland who have Computing listed as a second subject” where “their main subject is X but are also registered to teach Computing” with this information to be “ideally historical” if possible.

Please note that the Register operates as a current register and as such we cannot provide historical figures unless otherwise reported. I have therefore applied section 17(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act (FOISA) to the historical query within your request as this information is not held.

However, I can confirm that as data extracted on 24 June 2024 the number of registrants who have either Full or Provisional Registration in Computing and Computing Science as well as another subject was 780.

Whilst you have asked for the information where their “main subject is X” but are also “registered to teach Computing” please note that the register does not differentiate between “main” and additional subjects. Many registrants will gain multiple registrations on the same day and the register does not distinguish between these as main and additional subjects.

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may contact to request GTC Scotland conduct a review of it. You should describe the original request and explain your grounds of review. You have 40 working days from receipt of this response to submit a review request. When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may use the Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance on making an appeal to make an appeal to the Commissioner.

Internal Review request

Summary of request

The number of Registrants with Computing and an additional subject
Date of request:
Date of response:
Decision upheld icon - no sign with rotating arrowsDecision upheld with modification icon - no sign with rotating arrows and orange plus sign in the middleSubstituted with new decision icon - rotating arrows in a green circle
No items found.

Full request


Response file