
Right of Review

If GTC Scotland has awarded you registration but not to the extent you wished (e.g. you have not been awarded Full Registration or you have not been awarded registration in all of the categories that you believe you are eligible to be registered in) you have the right to ask for that decision to be reviewed by a Registration Panel.

You must do this within 28 days of the date that you receive your decision letter.

For applicants for registration who qualified outside Scotland and applicants for Professional Registration

If GTC Scotland has awarded you registration but not to the extent you wished (e.g. you have not been awarded full registration or you have not been awarded registration in all of the categories that you believe you are eligible to be registered in) you have the right to ask for that decision to be reviewed by a Registration Panel. You must do this within 28 days of the date that you receive your decision letter from the Registration department.

A request for review may only be made, and will only be considered, where there are grounds for the decision to be reviewed. This means that GTC Scotland must have either:

  1. failed to act in accordance with the Registration and Standards Rules which incorporate the Statement of Registration Principles and Practice – applicants qualified outside Scotland; or
  2. made an error that has had a significant impact on the decision made.

Please note that if you decide to ask for a review, you will need to clearly and fully explain and back up via evidence if possible how something has gone wrong in the way in which your registration application has been assessed with reference to one or both of the grounds listed above.

Whilst you can ask for a review on the grounds that GTC Scotland has made a mistake in how it has assessed your application, you cannot ask for a review simply because you are unhappy with the decision or disagree with GTC Scotland’s rules or policies.

If you wish to ask for a review, you should complete the Request for a review of a registration decision form and return it to GTC Scotland’s Regulation and Legal Services Department (as set out in the form). A request for review must be made within 28 days of the date of service of your application decision letter.

Once your review request has been received, arrangements will be made for a Registration Panel to consider it as soon as possible and you will be provided further information about what the process followed by the Panel will involve. Please note that the Registration Panel ordinarily considers review requests in writing rather than at a hearing that you would need to attend.

Request for review of a Registration decision

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