Advice for qualified outside Scotland registrants with Provisional Registration

The guidance below applies for teachers who:

  • qualified outside Scotland
  • have been granted Provision Registration and
  • have completed 190 days teaching service and will be starting the Flexible Route after 1 August 2023

When we award you Provisional Registration, we will ask you to complete a document-based Flexible Route profile.

You must complete this profile and request a recommendation from a headteacher or senior leader with current Full (General) Registration with GTC Scotland.

This headteacher must have: 

  • made at least one formal observation of your teaching; and  
  • had a professional discussion with you to complete your final Key Strengths, Areas for Development and Professional Action Plan. 

You must have been employed at the school of the headteacher or senior leader making the recommendation. There are no minimum days required, but we advise that your recommending headteacher or senior leader completes a formal observation of your teaching after the equivalent of a period of 20 days working in their school. This is to ensure that they can make an informed decision when recommending you for Full Registration. 

They do not need to be working in Scotland, but they do need to professionally endorse your ability to meet the Standard for Full Registration.

The headteacher or senior leader needs to complete a declaration on your profile to confirm that they recommend you being awarded the Standard for Full Registration.  Once they have recommended you, you must submit your completed profile to us.

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