
Embedding the Professional Standards in your practice

Teachers registered with GTC Scotland commit to making a real difference, as is recognised in each of the Professional Standards:

Making a professional commitment to learning and learners that is compatible with the aspiration of achieving a sustainable and equitable world embodies what it is to be a teacher in Scotland. This means teachers commit to living the professional values and engage in lifelong learning, reflection, enquiry, leadership of learning and collaborative practice as key aspects of their professionalism. This commitment to professional learning and growth, to the growth of learners, and to helping support that of colleagues, is demonstrated through engagement with all aspects of professional practice. - Professional Standards for Scotland’s Teachers

It is through this demonstration of engagement that the Professional Standards are brought to life.

The Professional Standards are written by and for the Scottish teaching profession.

Taking ownership of the Professional Standard(s) most relevant to you and to your professional development and bringing it to life, however, is a wholly active process that can only be enacted by you.

It is your own exploration, your own engagement and, ultimately, your own practice that brings the written word alive to embody, embed and further develop what it means to be a teacher in Scotland.

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