
How does Professional Recognition align with the Scottish Framework for Masters in Education

The Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning and the criteria for the award of Professional Recognition align to the features of SCQF Level 11 enquiry as outlined in the Scottish Framework for Masters in Education.

These ensure that learning:

  • is grounded in practice
  • is research informed;
  • is personally and professionally transformative;
  • is collaborative in nature;
  • challenges assumptions and widens perspectives; and
  • aspires to make a positive impact on Scottish Education.

The SCQF is structured around the following characteristics:

  • knowledge and understanding;
  • practice: applied knowledge and understanding;
  • generic cognitive skills;
  • communication, ICT and numeracy skills; and
  • autonomy, accountability and working with others.

Professional Recognition is not awarded at Masters Level.

Scottish Framework for Masters in Education

The Scottish Framework for Masters in Education is an agreed set of principles that are the result of a unique collaboration across the universities who provide teacher education in Scotland. This Framework is designed to enable educators to make informed decisions about accredited Masters provision related to career-long professional learning. The Framework recognises and builds on existing learning opportunities developed through partnerships between universities, schools and local authorities.

The Framework enables educators to:

  • Access information about accredited Masters-level learning opportunities;
  • Identify a range of Masters pathways;
  • Explore learning opportunities which may be accessed through different modes of delivery, for example, campus based, online learning, work-based learning activities, etc;
  • Create a coherent professional learning experience.

The Framework is embedded within the distinctive portfolio of Masters programmes in each university. The Framework includes SCQF Level 11 Common Descriptors to enable portability of learning between institutions.


The Scottish Framework for Masters in Education recognises the common and distinctive provision across universities in Scotland. The Framework is underpinned by the following principles:

  • Progressing a national aspiration that teachers in Scotland engage in Masters-level learning;
  • Ensuring Masters-level learning for educators is accessible;
  • Enhancing access through making explicit the distinctive features of Masters-level learning;
  • Facilitating continuity in Masters-level learning through transfer of credits between universities; and
  • Enabling enhanced co-operation and communication across universities in Scotland providing Masters-level learning for educators throughout their careers.

Engagement in Masters-level learning is intended to support critically-informed practice, responsive to the evolving needs of Scottish society.

Common descriptors

In order to facilitate transfer of credit between universities that recognise the Scottish Framework for Masters in Education a set of common descriptors has been agreed. The common descriptors draw on SCQF Level 11 and recognise key features of practice-focused Masters-level learning:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • A critical understanding of the principal theories, principles and concepts.
  • A critical awareness of current issues in a subject/ discipline and one or more specialisms.

Practice: applied knowledge and understanding

  • Use a range of specialised skills, techniques, practice and/ or materials which are at the forefront of, or informed by forefront developments.
  • Demonstrate originality or creativity in the application of knowledge, understanding and/ or practices.

Generic cognitive skills

  • Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to issues which are at the forefront of, or informed by developments in a subject/ discipline.
  • Deal with complex issues and make informed judgements in situations in the absence of complete or consistent data.

Communication, ICT and numeracy skills

  • Communicate using appropriate methods, to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge/expertise.
  • Communicate with peers, more senior colleagues and specialists.

Autonomy, accountability and working with others

  • Take responsibility for own work and/ or significant responsibility for the work of others.

Masters-level learning: Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (Level 11)

The Scottish Framework for Masters in Education progresses the national aspiration that teachers in Scotland engage in Masters-level learning. Masters-level learning is informed by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) descriptors at Level 11. These ensure that learning:

  • Is practice relevant;
  • Is research informed;
  • Is personally and professionally transformative;
  • Is collaborative in nature;
  • Challenges assumptions and widens perspectives; and
  • Aspires to make a positive impact on Scottish Education.

The SCQF is structured around the following characteristics:

  • Knowledge and understanding;
  • Practice: applied knowledge and understanding;
  • Generic cognitive skills;
  • Communication, ICT and numeracy skills; and
  • Autonomy, accountability and working with others.

Useful Links

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Interactive Framework

About the SCQF Framework


The following is a list of partners who provide teacher education in Scotland and have assisted in agreeing the set of principles which make up the Scottish Framework for Masters in Education:

Frequently asked questions

Find out more information about the Scottish Framework for Masters in Education, with our frequently asked questions.

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