
It is a legal requirement for all teachers working in Scottish schools to be registered with GTC Scotland. If you are no longer undertaking any work in school or colleges you can cancel your registration:

  • at the end of the current registration year (31 March) by emailing gtcs@gtcs.org.uk with the subject line “Cancel Registration – End of Current Period”
  • with immediate effect by emailing gtcs@gtcs.org.uk with the subject line “Cancel Registration – Immediate”.

Please be advised you will be required to provide your name, date of birth and registration number to process this.  

It is not possible to refund all or part of a registration fee. The registration fee is for the period 1 April – 31 March. The fee remains the same irrespective of the point during this period at which you join or leave the Register.

Supply teaching

If you are undertaking supply teaching, you must maintain your full (general) registration and pay the annual registration fee. It is a legal requirement for teachers to be on the Register regardless of how many days they work in any registration year.

Associate Status

If you are no longer teaching, but would like to maintain your registration with GTC Scotland, you can move to full (associate) registration. Find out more.

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