How to download a file from a Professional Learning record

If you have previously uploaded a file and attached this to a Professional Learning (PL) record, you can download this file by searching for the file in the ‘My files and resource hub’ tab in the Professional Learning area.

You can search for previously uploaded files in the 'My files and resources hub'

My files and resource hub

  1. Go the Professional Learning area on MyPL.
  2. On the left-hand side navigation bar, select the ‘My files and resource hub’ tab.
  3. Use the ‘Search my files' box to find the file. You can either search by name (if you know this) or filter by type of file: document, image or video. Click search.
  4. Once you have found the correct entry, use the download button in that row to download the file.
Once you have found the correct file, download it using the download button under 'Tools'

How to find the name of the file

If you do not know the name of the file you are looking for, you can find this in the Professional Learning record it is attached to.

  1. Go the Professional Learning (PL) area on MyPL.
  2. Find the PL record that the file was attached to in the table. Click the record title.
  3. Once the PL record has opened, scroll down to the ‘Optional notes’ field.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of this field and copy the title of the file.
Find the name of the file you are looking for in the 'Optional notes' field of the corresponding Professional Learning record
The content you are looking for is through this button

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