
The way your annual registration fee is paid depends on your employment context.

Employed by one or more local authorities (including supply) or college(s)

Your employer deducts the registration fee from your salary (Deduction at Source). This will show in your March or April payslip.

If you work for more than one employer, you may find that your registration fee has been deducted from your salary by one or more employer. GTC Scotland will contact your employer(s) to advise them to refund the additional payment. We will not refund you directly. If you have any questions about the refund process, please speak to the HR and payroll department of your employer.

If the payment has not been deducted from your salary, we will contact you by June to organise payment via MyGTCS. Please note: we cannot accept payments over the phone.

Parental leave

When you are on parental leave, the annual registration fee may not be deducted from your salary. If this is the case, we will notify you by June to organise payment via MyGTCS.

Other contexts

If you are:

  • on Associate Status
  • working outside teaching, for instance for a charity or national body
  • on a career break
  • not in employment
  • working outside Scotland
  • on long-term sick leave

We will notify you by June to make payment via MyGTCS.

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