
How to request a move to Associate status or move back to Full status

Please get in touch using the Contact Form to request a move to Associate Status.

Please include your full name, date of birth and registration number.

It will be open to the individual to seek return to the Fully Registered (General) status at any time following the guidelines as set by GTC Scotland.

A teacher who opts for Associate status may transfer to General status as follows:

  • Less than five years since becoming Associate: at any time by contacting GTC Scotland. At this point your PU sign-off year will be reset. In most cases, PU sign-off will be required during the current academic session.  
  • Between five and 10 years: by meeting a quality threshold through agreeing a professional learning plan with a GTC Scotland Officer. You may also wish to consider undertaking a GTC Scotland accredited ‘Return to Teaching’ course.
  • More than 10 years: by meeting a quality threshold through undertaking an accredited GTC Scotland ‘Return to Teaching’ course and then contacting GTC Scotland.
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