
The National Framework for Inclusion 3rd edition (NFI) provides guidance for teachers on inclusion and inclusive practice. The NFI consists of a series of reflective questions linked to the Professional Standards for Scotland’s teachers. Working together, the Professional Standards and NFI provide a structure for teachers to reflect upon the national vision of social justice and inclusion.

The NFI document aims to be comprehensive, but it is not exhaustive nor is it intended to be prescriptive.

GTC Scotland hosts the NFI on behalf of the Scottish Universities Inclusion Group.

National Framework for inclusion 3rd Edition 2022

How might I use the National Framework for Inclusion?

The NFI provides a range of reflective questions that you may ask yourself about yourself and the learners within your context.

Here is a suggested 5-step model to support you in engaging with the Framework to support your inclusive practice.

Reflecting on your inclusive practice

Step 1: Start by thinking about your own inclusive practice, reflecting on the strengths that you consider you have. Take time to celebrate your great practice!

Step 2: Next, think about an issue or problem related to your inclusive practice that you’d like to resolve. Think about whether this issue is related most closely to Being a Teacher in Scotland, Professional Knowledge and Understanding or Professional Skills and Abilities.

Engaging with the Framework questions

Step 3: Choose the Framework questions that are appropriate for your career stage. Now browse all the questions in the strand that you identified in Step 2.

Step 4: Which Framework questions resonated with you most? Choose one of these and critically reflect on what the question is asking you. You might find it helpful to chat about the question with a colleague e.g. stage partner, mentor, or fellow student.

You may wish to repeat Step 4 with different questions as you critically reflect on your inclusive practice and how you are meeting learners’ needs and upholding their rights to education within your setting.

Developing your inclusive practice

Step 5: Reflect on the responses that you came up with to your thinking / discussion about the chosen question(s) in Step 4. What do you need to do to address the areas for development that you’ve identified? You may wish to include this within your PRD for the next year or, for student teachers, make this one of your placement or probationer year goals.

Once you’ve put your plan into action, revisit Step 1 to celebrate the development in your inclusive practice that you’ve made.

Engaging with the National Framework for Inclusion wheel. 1. Reflect on strengths in your inclusive practice 2. Identify issue / problem to be resolved 3. Browse NFI questions  4.Critically reflect on a specific NFI question 5. Work to resolve issue / problem from Step 2.

National Framework for Inclusion: Being a Teacher in Scotland

National Framework for Inclusion: Professional Knowledge and Understanding

National Framework for Inclusion: Professional Skills and Abilities

National Framework for Inclusion: Working with the NFI companion

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