
Professional Review and Development resources

These resources should be used by school teams alongside the PRD guidelines to develop your approach to PRD.

Ten key features of PRD

To ensure a positive PRD experience for all and to achieve the ten key features of high-quality PRD we must strive to make sure:

  • there is a positive climate and culture of trust in schools;
  • schools have ensured they are prepared and ready to engage in high-quality PRD; and;
  • there is ongoing professional dialogue between colleagues.

The ten key features can be divided into three sections: Ethos, Professional Learning and Process and Practice.


  • Nurture teacher professionalism, building professional capital.
  • Enable empowerment and develop teachers as agents of change.
  • Celebrations of success and planning for future next steps.
  • Offer a reflective space to explore successes and challenges.

Professional Learning

  • Self-evaluation across the Professional Standards.
  • Ongoing engagement in meaningful professional learning and reflection.
  • Explore leadership opportunities.
  • Support strategic development.

Process and Practice

  • Career conversations
  • Coaching conversations

Ten key features of PRD Wheel

Roles and Responsibilities

We should all ensure we are familiar with our own roles and responsibilities for PRD to make certain that we all have high-quality, meaningful PRD experiences. PRD is not something ‘done to us’, and we have a collective responsibility to ensure that we prepare in advance and take the time to reflect on where we are in our professional journeys prior to our formal PRD conversation. Roles and responsibilities have been identified for the following groups:

  • Reviewees
  • Reviewers
  • Senior Leadership Teams
  • Local Authorities and Employers
  • GTC Scotland

We have listed the roles and responsibilities you should be aware of in these documents:

PRD roles and responsibilities – overview by role

PRD roles and responsibilities – side-by-side table

Culture and Climate of Trust – Is your school ready for PRD?

A culture and climate of trust, where teachers feel nurtured, valued and empowered is core to the success of PRD. PRD requires teachers to talk openly and honestly about their professional learning. For this to be achievable teachers need to feel safe in doing so. They need to know that they have permission and space to make mistakes, and opportunities to take risks.

We have provided the resources below to help you to understand the importance of a culture and climate of trust for successful PRD.

Culture and Climate of Trust

Generic self-evaluation wheel

Self-evaluation scoring table – questions only

School Readiness for PRD

Are we ready for PRD? cycle

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