The Teacher Induction Scheme probation process

Your Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) year follows a structured process. Each part of this process is a building block in developing your TIS profile, which you will use to evidence that you are meeting the Standard for Full Registration.

All information gathered throughout your probation service should be documented in your TIS profile.

August to December

Weekly Supporter Meetings

Your first task is to set up a weekly meeting with your supporter.

Your supporter is one of the key people in induction, providing a link between the school and the local authority probation manager. They will help you to plan your development needs/experiences and discuss progress.

Supporter meetings should have a focus linked to the Standard for Full Registration and your Initial Development Action Plan (IPDAP).

They can also cover:

  • ensuring you have all the information necessary to enable you to embark on the first few weeks of teaching
  • offering advice and support at an early stage
  • discussing your timetable and the use of your time
  • scheduling weekly meetings

In preparation for completing your interim 1 profile, you should meet with your supporter in November for a more formal review meeting. There should be input from several sources including any independent observers of your teaching and your headteacher.

Supporter Meeting Agenda - 2021 Standard for Registration

Observations of your teaching

Leading on from your supporter meetings, feedback and evaluation of your teaching practice is achieved through regular observed teaching sessions. We recommend that these take place every 3 weeks.

These sessions should take place with your supporter. You should be observed for a minimum of five sessions between August and December. You should be observed a minimum of four times between January and June. One observation from each of these periods should be with someone other than your supporter.

Information and evidence will be reviewed by your supporter, and recorded in your profile.

Before the observed teaching session (Plan)

Before the observation, in collaboration with your supporter, you should identify:

  • the focus of the observation, usually arising from your professional development action plan
  • an overview of the class

The overview of the class should include:

  • details about the lesson/element of the SFR being observed
  • how the work fits into short/long-term plans
  • identification of learning outcomes
  • how the session would be expected to unfold
  • discussion of possible issues to be prepared for
  • whether the observer will take an active part in the class/take notes

During the observed teaching session (Observe)

There are a variety of ways to carry out observations. One way is for your supporter to integrate into the lesson in a team teaching role, working alongside you and experiencing first-hand how you have delivered the lesson.

After the observed teaching session (Feedback)

You should reflect on your teaching session A post-observation meeting, perhaps during your next weekly supporter meeting, enables you and your supporter a period of reflection. The meeting should include:

  1. from the observer’s perspective, a detailed explanation of how the lesson progressed and met the set objectives, including the opportunity for you to explain what you felt went well and what you may do differently next time
  1. the identification of development needs arising and/or the recognition that a new area of development should be focused on. Your supporter will be a good source of advice

You must keep a record of session feedback in your profile. Information and evidence from these will form part of your interim profile in December and your final profile in May/June.

Observed Teaching Feedback Template - 2021 Standard for Registration

Interim Profile

All of the information and evidence gathered from August to December will form the basis of your interim 1 profile.

You will use your probation profile to record your:

  • Initial Professional Development Action Plan (IPDAP) – this may already be copied across from your ITE profile
  • Timetable
  • Professional Learning Experiences
  • Supporter meetings
  • Teaching observations
  • Professional Development Action Plan (PDAP)

Your interim profile will be submitted to us in December. Your local authority probation manager will confirm the submission date.

Your supporter will include a recommendation:

  • If your recommendation is “Satisfactory”, you will be given access to your final profile.
  • If the recommendation is “Unsatisfactory” or “Cause for Concern”, you will be given access to a second interim profile. Your local authority probation manager will confirm the submission date. You will then be given access to your final profile.

January to June

You will continue documenting your personal development for the second part of the year using your probation profile.  

You will continue to have weekly supporter meetings, observations of your teaching and take part in various Professional Learning experiences.  

These meetings should have a focus directly linked to your PDAP.  

You must be observed teaching at least four times between January and June.

Final profile completion

You will use the information and evidence you gather between January and May as the basis of your final profile. Your final profile will be submitted to us in May/June. Your local authority probation manager will inform you of the exact date.

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