Engage with the Professional Standards through self-evaluation

As part of engagement in Professional Update, individuals should self-evaluate using the Professional Standards relevant to their context.

Self-evaluation can take many forms and may occur at various stages in the professional learning journey. It will also involve a range of sources to help inform you.

The Professional Standards are one key reference but other sources may also form part of your self-evaluation, such as your own Professional Review and Development (PRD) areas for development and school/ department/ organisation’s improvement plan.

What is self-evaluation and why is it important?

Self-evaluation should be a useful process that is rigorous and enables you to be critically reflective about yourself as a professional and your practice.

Self-evaluation should support you to:

  • Reflect on what you have done
  • Think about what you might do next
  • Consider your own progress and development
  • Deeply understand your professional practice, your professional learning and the impact of this on: your thinking; professional actions; those you work with/support; and pupils/students and their learning

Self-evaluation will involve:

  • Asking deep and searching questions about self and practice
  • Using the GTC Scotland Professional Standards to inform and guide your reflections
  • Using other influencing factors such as school or dept improvement plan; other standards or targets; issues relevant to your particular context
  • Using your ongoing reflections and enquiry into practice
  • Considering the needs of learners/colleagues in your context
  • Using evidence from a range of sources to inform and support your self-evaluation

The self-evaluation process will enable you to:

  • Plan for meaningful professional learning
  • Engage in critically reflective dialogue as part of the PRD process
  • Identify and focus on areas you wish to develop expertise or accomplishment
  • Consider your career planning
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