GTC Scotland appoints the Professional Standards Authority to review Fitness to Teach process
An independent review of the General Teaching Council for Scotland’s (GTC Scotland) Fitness to Teach process is set to be undertaken by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA).
GTC Scotland registers all teachers in Scotland and works to set, uphold and promote high standards for the teaching profession. When there are serious concerns about a teacher’s conduct or professional competence, GTC Scotland investigates this through its Fitness to Teach process.
The PSA is expecting to report its findings to GTC Scotland by the end of 2024, which will then be considered by GTC Scotland’s Council as part of a wider project to review its Fitness to Teach rules.
In its role overseeing the work of 10 statutory bodies that regulate health and care professionals, the PSA sets standards for regulators and carries out performance reviews each year to assess how well they meet them. The PSA can also be commissioned to conduct special reviews of other regulators in the UK and abroad or to provide expertise and advice when it is needed.
The Professional Standards Authority’s work will involve reviewing GTC Scotland’s performance against the PSA’s Standards of Good Regulation, adapted to GTC Scotland’s working context. The review will look at the effectiveness of GTC Scotland’s Fitness to Teach process, the legislation supporting the Fitness to Teach process and the efficiency of the process. As part of the evaluation, the PSA will be seeking views from GTC Scotland stakeholders.
Jennifer Macdonald, Strategic Director at GTC Scotland said,
The Fitness to Teach process was first introduced in 2012 when we gained independence as an organisation, and our current Fitness to Teach Rules were enacted in 2017. We believe that commissioning the PSA and working with them as experts in the regulatory field will provide us with valuable insight on the effectiveness and efficiency of the Fitness to Teach process. We will use this best practice insight to inform a review of our Rules and ensure that we continuously improve our processes in the interests of trusted teaching.
Alan Clamp, Chief Executive of the PSA said,
We are delighted to be working with the General Teaching Council for Scotland to undertake this review. It will provide a valuable opportunity to share learning and insights across our sectors while focusing on core regulatory principles and good practice.