
GTC Scotland at SLF 2022

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The Scottish Learning Festival 2022

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is back for another year. The event will take place online on 21 and 22 September, with in-person satellite events happening across the country.

The theme of this year's event is 'Being Me, Being Us: Placing learners at the heart of Scottish Education'. Shirley-Ann Sommerville, Professor Alma Harris and Professor Carol Campbell will officially launch the National Discussion on Scottish Education at the Fife satellite event on Wednesday 21 September.

You can find out more about how to register for this free event at

GTC Scotland colleagues will be in attendance, delivering and taking part in the following sessions:

Wednesday 21 September

You Can’t Be What You Can’t See: Improving the Experience of Early Career Minority Ethnic Educators - 14:00 - 14:45

With the under-representation of Minority Ethnic (ME) educators in Scotland, how can we recruit and retain a diverse education workforce for every learner to thrive? The 2022 Diversity in the Teaching Profession Annual Data report shows that 1.8% of teachers identify as being from an ME background, still far from the 4% target by 2030.

Starting off from Initial Teacher Education, this seminar will explore the barriers faced by ME adult learners, key drop-off points and ways in which these can be addressed according to the Scottish Government working group looking at Diversity in the Teaching Profession and Education Workforce.

Coaching in Education - how coaching in education is supporting the education workforce and having a positive impact - 12:30 -13:15

A growing number of educators in Scotland are experiencing the powerful and transformational benefits of coaching and continue to champion the importance of coaching in supporting individuals and in turn having a positive impact on learners. This session will:

  • give an overview of the breadth of coaching which is developing throughout education in Scotland and how a coaching strategy is emerging through work with a broad range of educators.
  • give participants the opportunity to contribute to the development of the coaching strategy in education for Scotland

Learning for Sustainability (LfS), the Professional Standards and you: supporting the learner entitlement to LfS - 12:30 - 13:15

‘Making a professional commitment to learning and learners that is compatible with the aspiration of achieving a sustainable and equitable world embodies what it is to be a teacher in Scotland’ (Professional Standards 2021) Learning for Sustainability is an international and national priority in education, an entitlement for learners in Scotland, and underpins the Professional Standards for Teachers as a key cross-cutting theme.

Join us to explore the new GTC Scotland Learning for Sustainability Hub, and hear from practitioners about how to realise this most vital of themes in your practice and the wider life of your setting.

Thursday 22 September

Trust and Belonging in the Teaching Profession - 12:30 - 13:15

Trust is central to effective education. Trust in the teaching profession directly impacts upon the experiences of learners across Scotland’s classrooms. For learners to be at the centre, learners must trust the teaching profession, and this must be replicated within wider society. Maintaining and enhancing trust in the teaching profession is core to the work of the General Teaching Council for Scotland.

This will be an interactive session encouraging participants to discuss issues impacting on trust about and within the teaching profession and to consider solutions and change that the profession can lead and influence to enhance trust.

The SLF poster detailing the event dates.