
GTC Scotland publishes new Memorandum on Entry Requirements

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The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTC Scotland) has published a revised Memorandum on Entry Requirements to Programmes of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland.

The Memorandum sets the minimum entry requirement for applicants’ entry to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes in Scotland.

The new Memorandum will come into force from September 2024. Higher education institutions (HEIs) use the Memorandum for their admissions and interview processes. Potential applicants can use the document to understand what the standards and requirements are for entering teacher education in Scotland.

Dr Pauline Stephen, GTC Scotland Chief Executive and Registrar, said: “The publication of this revised Memorandum follows a period of engagement and consultation activity with higher education institutions, stakeholders and the public.

“Ensuring the Memorandum remains relevant and fit for purpose is a key component in GTC Scotland’s mission to maintain the integrity of registration and regulation of the teaching profession as a safeguard for the quality of education in Scotland and to enhance trust in teaching at an individual, group and system level.”

A teaching qualification is the foundation for registration with GTC Scotland. It is a legal requirement for people employed as teachers in Scottish schools to be registered with GTC Scotland.

Key updates to the Memorandum include:

  • a requirement for HEIs to interview applicants to enable them to demonstrate their openness to learning the skills, dispositions and attributes desirable in a teacher
  • strengthened language surrounding the obligations that ITE providers have to meet equality and diversity requirements throughout the application and recruitment process
  • references to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) credit points are now made throughout the Memorandum to future-proof the terminology.

Under the terms of the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland) Order 2011, it is for GTC Scotland to determine what constitutes a recognised teaching qualification for individuals seeking registration with GTC Scotland as a school teacher. The Memorandum, and connected consultation, is part of this process.

Read the revised Memorandum on Entry Requirements to Programmes of Initial Teacher Education in Scotland

Read the consultation report