Eligibility of teachers qualified outside Scotland
Teaching qualifications required
An applicant must have either:
- completed teacher education equivalent to:
- one academic year of full-time study or
- part-time study of 3 years of less or
- if academic and teacher education has been undertaken at the same time (e.g. a Bachelor of Education), have completed:
- full-time study of 3 or more years or
- part-time study of 7 years or less
Teaching qualifications must:
Academic qualifications required
An applicant must hold a UK degree or an equivalent academic qualification. An academic qualification will be regarded as equivalent to a UK degree if it either:
- is recognised as such by the UK National Information Centre (UK ENIC); or
- includes the equivalent of:
- 120 credit points at SCQF Level 7 (or above)
- 120 credit points at SCQF Level 8 (or above) and
- 120 credit points at SCQF Level 9 (or above)
For registration in Secondary Education, an applicant must have:
Scottish Credit Qualifications Framework
Find out more about the SCQF credit system on their website.
Provisional (Conditional) Registration
Applicants who do not meet all the relevant teaching qualification and/or academic requirements may still be considered for Provisional (Conditional) Registration.
Learn more about this and the minimum criteria for this route on the page below.
Modern Foreign Languages teachers
Teachers of modern foreign languages in Scotland are required to meet a foreign residency requirement. Learn more on our dedicated page below.
Additional Support Needs (ASN) Registration
To apply for registration in Additional Support Needs, you must first be eligible for registration in either the Primary Education category or one of the Secondary Education registration categories and hold an appropriate ASN award. Find out more about ASN registration in our Knowledge Base below.
Employment based routes to QTS
If you have gained QTS elsewhere in the UK via an employment-based route, and have not completed an initial teacher education programme that meets the requirements set out above, you will not meet our requirements for registration.