Completing the Flexible Route for Professional Registration in additional subject/sector

The guidance below applies for fully registered teachers applying for addition professional registration in a subject or sector.

From 1 August 2023, you will no longer need to meet a requirement for a set number of days of probationary service in the subject or sector you wish to add to your registration.

However, we would recommend that you have completed the equivalent of at least 20 days of service in the additional subject / sector, and that this service takes place in the school of the headteacher or senior leader who is recommending you for registration.

From 1 August 2023 you must use the document-based Flexible Route profile to support a professional dialogue with your headteacher or senior leader. They will work with you to determine when you are demonstrating satisfactory standards in your additional subject / sector.  

They must conduct at least one observation of your teaching as part of their decision making.  

When they are satisfied, you must work together to complete the document-based profile. Your headteacher or senior leader must sign the recommendation and return it to with the subject line ‘Professional Registration declaration “your name”’

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