Professional Learning on the Teacher Induction Scheme
As a provisionally registered teacher following the Teacher Induction Scheme, you are offered a framework of professional learning opportunities. You should undertake these in the minimum 0.2 full time equivalent non-contact time afforded to you.
You could, for example:
- use 0.1 FTE for team teaching / collaborative working / observing other teachers
- use 0.1 FTE to carry out Professional Learning experiences and self-evaluation
Team teaching and collaborative working
Team teaching is an opportunity to gain a broader knowledge and understanding of the work of the whole school by learning from your colleagues.
You can learn from others through:
- Working collaboratively
- In other classed within the same subject or stage
- In a different stage or subject
- Lesson observation and analysis
- In own subject or stage
- In different subject or stage
- Work shadowing
- staff in the Senior Management Team
- experienced staff in other stages of the school or in different departments
- On school board/parents’ groups
- Support for Learning staff
- working with children in the pre-school environment
- working with parents
- psychological services
- careers officer.
Professional Learning Experiences
Valuable professional learning experiences can include:
- Core experiences organised with your local authority
- Carrying out self-evaluation by:
- Looking in detail at your planning and assess how you are meeting the needs of your pupils
- Reflecting on how you are progressing towards the Standard for Full Registration, which will in turn inform the discussions that you have with your supporter
- Understanding the requirements for the induction year
- Familiarising yourself with the professional reading resources at your disposal or studying new learning and teaching strategies.
- Experiences identified on a personal basis which may be carried out in school or from a local authority professional learning register. These will have been identified through personal reflection and following discussions with your supporter.
- Visiting other schools or establishments,
- Practitioner enquiry
- Special projects involving parents or carers
- Special projects involving the local community
- Attending courses, meetings, workshops, conferences and other training events
- Developing school policies and reports.
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