
Reflective questions for middle leaders

The Standard for Middle Leadership and political insight

Registrants who participated in Standard for Middle Leadership events said they appreciated the chance to reflect on their professionalism and to connect with other middle leaders.

The 5 reflective questions below accompany the video 'Talking Trusted Teaching: the Standard for Middle Leadership and political insight'. These questions are for existing or aspiring middle leaders. You can use them to reflect further or use in professional discussions with colleagues.

Reflective questions

  1. Think of an example of when you or a colleague have used political insight to improve an outcome. What did you/they do and why was it successful? You could use four key words – power, influence, policy and trust – to explain this.
  2. Can you think of situations in your role where the Control-Influence-Accept model would be useful? (See 25:14 'How can middle leaders influence the policy agenda?' in the video for discussion of this model).
  3. How can you support colleagues in developing political insight and to question and shape the educational landscape?
  4. How do your professional values (social justice, integrity and trust and respect) influence your leadership decisions?
  5. “Political does not equal politicised.” In which times and situations is it particularly important to remember this?
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