It is a legal requirement for people employed as teachers in Scottish schools to be registered with GTC Scotland. In 2018, there was a national agreement that all lecturers working in Scotland’s colleges would register with GTC Scotland.

All teachers and college lecturers must pay a fee to register with us and an annual fee to remain on the Register of Teachers.  

Fees need to cover the full cost of delivering our statutory work each year and to fund improvements to our services. Because our core functions are funded by the fees teachers and college lecturers pay, we are able to carry out our statutory duties independent of government.  

The current registration fee is £65 for all registrants. The registration fee covers the period 1 April to 31 March.

Charging a flat rate brings efficiencies for all registrants by reducing the administrative cost associated with collection. Therefore, the £65 fee remains the same for teachers and college lecturers who:

  • join or leave at any point during the registration year
  • work part-time hours
  • work on supply
  • are not currently employed as a teacher and wish to maintain registration
  • are on parental leave, career break or similar and wish to maintain registration
  • are retired and wish to maintain registration; or
  • are working outside Scotland and wish to maintain registration.

Payment of the annual registration fee is taken between March and June each year, depending on your employment context and how you choose to pay. See ‘How to pay your registration fee’ for further guidance.

As part of your registration with GTC Scotland, you need to ensure your contact details are correct. If you do not keep your details up to date it may lead to a delayed or missed fee payment, which could result in your removal from the Register. Find out how to update your details.

We keep fees under regular review and always aim to keep costs down or offset them elsewhere if possible. We aim to find the right balance between the frequency of fee adjustments to ensure financial sustainability while providing reasonable predictability for teachers and college lecturers.

Our Fee policy sets out the principles and rules that we apply in setting, charging and collecting fees.

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