Teacher Induction Scheme extension process


Provisionally registered teachers on the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) can be recommended for one of three extensions on completing the year-long placement: competence, health or health/competence.

Competence extensions

An employer can recommend a competence extension when they:

  • consider a provisionally registered teacher to be making progress towards the Standard for Full Registration (SFR)
  • think that the provisionally registered teacher needs an extended period of time to evidence that they have met all areas of SFR; and
  • are confident that by the end of the recommended extension, the provisionally registered teacher will meet all areas of the SFR.

You will be notified in writing is if your employer recommends an extension to your period of probation in order to give you more time to demonstrate that you have met the SFR. You can either accept the recommendation that has been made or notify GTC Scotland within 14 days that you would like to challenge the recommendation. If you challenge the recommendation that has been made, a Fitness to Teach Panel Hearing will be arranged by GTC Scotland.

Please read this guidance for more information.

Probationary Service Hearings Guidance – Probationer

The length of the extension is normally 60 days on the Teacher Induction Scheme or 80 days if completed via the Flexible Route. You will be contracted to work to a minimum of 0.9 FTE with time for weekly supporter meetings and an observation carried out every 20 days.

You will need to submit an extension profile on completion. Speak to your local authority probation manager if you need more advice.

Health extensions

A health extension is not required until the number of days of absence exceeds 20. Days of absence may include maternity leave, paternity leave, illness or jury duty.

If you have been granted an extension on the grounds of health, the extension will cover is the total length of the absence. For example, if you are absent for 30 days then you will have to complete a 30-day extension.

You will be contracted to work to a maximum of 0.82 FTE with time for weekly supporter meetings, an observation every 20 days, and Professional Learning.

You need to submit an extension profile on completion. Contact your local authority Probation Manager for more information on completing an extension.

Health/Competence extensions

Combined health/competence extensions will be required when:

  • a provisionally registered teacher has missed more than 20 days of their placement; and
  • they need more time to evidence that they have met all areas of the SFR.

The length of a health/competence extension matches whichever extension period is longer: the standard competence extension (60 days) or the length of absence.

For example:

  • if a provisionally registered teacher had 27 days of absence, and competence concerns, they would need to complete a 60-day extension;
  • if a provisionally registered teacher had 78 days of absence, and competence concerns, they would need to complete a 78-day extension.

You will be contracted to work to a minimum of 0.9 FTE with time for weekly supporter meetings and an observation carried out every 20 days.

You will need to submit an extension profile on completion. Speak to your local authority probation manager if you need more advice.

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