Teacher Induction Scheme local authority allocation
Before you view your allocation
Finding out which Local Authority you have been allocated to for your probation year is an exciting time.
Every effort has been made to allocate the majority of provisionally registered teachers to their first, second or third choice. We do point out throughout the application process, however, that there will be those who may receive their fourth or fifth choice. If this is the case please do not panic.
Take a couple of days to think about how you could make this allocation work remembering it is only for the limited period of an academic year. We do stress before you complete the application that care should be taken when selecting your preference choices and that you are able to make all choices work for you.
Talking to friends and family who may be in a position to support you through your probation year may also help.
Where to find your allocation
Log into the Student Portal – where you completed your application for provisional registration.
The allocation link will look like this:

Logging in to the portal
Username: Your university email address
Password: You may have changed this when you completed your application for provisional registration. If not, it is your date of birth in format DD/MM/YYYY If you do not remember your password, please use the ‘Forgot your password?’ function.
What to do next
The Local Authority will contact you within the next couple of weeks. Please do not contact the Local Authority yourself, unless you have an urgent or exceptional circumstance to advise them of.
Local authority induction days
Some local authorities hold pre-summer induction days in June, some hold August induction days, and some have both.
We will update this page of induction days as local authorities confirm details with us.
Help and assistance
Information and support for the Teacher Induction Scheme.
If you require any further support, please Contact Us quoting the subject line ‘TIS Allocation’.