
The Fully Registered (Associate) status option is for those holding full registration who do not wish to remain in the General category because of circumstances. Anyone considering this option may choose to contact us to discuss their specific circumstances if they are unsure if Associate Status is right for them.

Associate Status could be appropriate for those who wish to remain on our Register and:

  • have retired from education and will not engage in any further teaching (please note that if you undertake supply teaching, it is a requirement to engage in Professional Update and retain Fully Registered (General) status)
  • are not currently working or not working in an educational “front line” context
  • are working outwith Scotland with no intention of returning within the foreseeable future


Teachers with Associate status are not required to complete the five-yearly sign-off process for Professional Update.

Registrants with Associate status will be required to:

  • update their details held on the GTC Scotland Register through their MyGTCS account on an annual basis
  • pay the annual registration fee of £65
  • act appropriately in terms of the Professional Values and Personal Commitment section of the Professional Standards

Although not required, those with Associate status may, if they wish, participate in ongoing professional development, record their professional learning and associated evidence of impact, and use the GTC Scotland Professional Standards. MyPL is available for those who wish to use it for these purposes and can be accessed through your MyGTCS account.

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