
What to do if taking parental, adoption or carers leave

You do not need to tell us that you are going on maternity, adoption or carers leave.

Contact details

Please update your contact details to ensure we have an email account and phone number on the register that you will have regular access to while on leave. This will allow us to contact you about your registration if we need to.

Log in to MyGTCS to update your details.

Professional Update

If your Professional Update Sign-off is due during, or soon after your maternity leave, you have two options for sign-off.

  • If it is your sign-off year, you can defer sign-off for a year
  • You can bring forward your sign-off to this session; once you have successfully signed-off PU, your next session will be in 5 years’ time

Paying your Annual Registration Fee

The registration fee is the same level for all registrants: £65.

If you currently work for a local authority or college your annual registration fee may be deducted from your salary. If it not, we will contact you directly with information on how to pay by June. Please keep your contact details up to date through MyGTCS as failure to pay could lead to you being lapsed from the Register.

We will issue receipts for the payment of the fee once we have collected it from all Registrants.


During your maternity or adoption leave, you will be expected to continue to maintain to maintain the appropriate Professional Values and personal commitment set out in the appropriate Professional Standards.

What to do on your return to work

You do not need to tell us that you have returned to work. Again, please ensure that your contact details are up to date on MyGTCS.

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