Scholarship and action research
Watch McLean discuss how he used scholarship and action research in his practice
In this 6-minute video, McLean talks with former GTC Scotland Senior Education Officer Pam Currie.

Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges in action
3.1 Ongoing professional learning
3.1.1 Uses the Professional Standards to inform practice and ongoing professional learning and development.
3.1.2 Reflects critically on own practice and engages in professional dialogue with others.
3.1.3 Continuously and actively engages with up to date research and developments in learning, teaching and assessment to inform practice.
3.1.4 Engages in collaborative professional enquiry to develop knowledge and practice to enhance the student experience and outcomes.
3.1.5 Engages with technology and digital literacies to enhance opportunities for collaborative practice and professional learning.
Read the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges