
Understanding professional update based on your employment status

The Professional Update process might be slightly different for registrants who are retired, undertaking supply work, teaching outwith Scotland or working in national bodies.

Working in local authorities, national bodies, universities or independent schools

It is recognised that not all registrants are involved in day-to-day teaching, although some retain a direct engagement with teaching and learning and/or a responsibility for the assurance of its quality.

The Professional Update process for registrants in such roles will enable them to confirm their continued understanding of relevant aspects of the Professional Standards and engagement in appropriate professional learning

Retired and retiring teachers

If you plan to undertake supply work after retiring, please contact gtcs@gtcs.org.uk so that we can update your details.

You will still need to complete the Professional Update confirmation process every five years, pay the annual registration fee in full, and engage in professional learning and the Professional Review and Development process on an ongoing basis.

Supply teachers

We recognise that some supply teachers can have difficulty accessing aspects of professional learning and the Professional Review and Development process.

Check with your local authority in the first instance, to see what the arrangements are. If you work in more than one local authority, you can nominate one to be your employer.

Lapsed and rejoined

If you lapse from the GTC Scotland Register of Teachers and subsequently rejoin, your year of initial registration with GTC Scotland will determine the designated year of your first completion of the Professional Update sign-off.

College lecturer

For advice on Professional Update for College Lecturers, visit this page.

Teachers not in employment

If you are not currently in employment there are three options which are available to you:

  1. Maintaining Fully Registered (General) status:
    This will allow you to continue to seek employment but in doing so you must meet all of the requirements of the Professional Update process including the sign-off process. Recording of professional learning can be done via MyPL.
  2. Moving to Fully Registered (Associate) status:
    You will not need to meet all the requirements of the Professional Update process. You will be required to update your contact details annually and maintain the appropriate Professional Values and Personal Commitment set out in the appropriate Professional Standards. Find out more about associate status
  3. Opting to remove yourself from the GTC Scotland register. Find out more about cancelling your registration.

As a fully registered teacher, you are required to update your contact details annually. You can access the online profile through your MyGTCS account to record your professional learning.

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