Dual registration
Dual registration is for provisionally registered teachers who hold (or are working towards) a teaching qualification in two subjects. These provisionally registered teachers can complete their probation in both subjects. This can be completed through the Teacher Induction Scheme (TIS) and Flexible Route (FR).
The combination of subjects allowed are:
- Computing with business education or mathematics
- Drama with music or English
- Gaelic and any other subject
- Languages (any two from French, German, Italian, Spanish and Mandarin)
- Physics with mathematics
- Sciences (any two from Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
- Social subjects and religious education (any two from Geography, History, Modern Studies and Religious Education)
These combinations have been identified as easier to facilitate in schools as they tend to fall under one faculty. This will ensure that probationers are fully supported during probation.
Key points about dual registration
- You will be able to register for two subjects through either TIS or FR
- When you successfully complete probation, you may be in a good position for future employment due to holding Full Registration in two subjects (salaries and terms and conditions are the remit of the employer)
- You do not have to participate in dual registration, and can instead seek Full Registration in one of your subjects
If you choose to dual register:
- You will not be able to change partway through TIS to single registration
- You can only change your decision and move to single registration prior to starting TIS by February; after this you will be ‘locked-in’ to starting your probationary service in two subjects
- Ideally your timetable would have a 50/50 split between your two subjects, with a minimum split of 70/30
Frequently asked questions
We want all registrants to have a say in the strategic direction of GTC Scotland. The easiest way to do this is to vote in the Council election for your preferred registered teacher candidates.
It is most likely that you would complete your probationary service in one school, however, you may complete dual registration over two schools. This will be the decision of the local authority in conjunction with the school(s).
If you do not pass in one subject, you would not pass the course and would likely have to resit the units you have failed. If you fail one subject, it is more than likely your dual registration probation will be deferred to the following year. You will need to discuss this with your Higher Education Institution.
If the headteacher at your allocated school indicated that you are a 'cause for concern' this will apply to both subjects due to the nature of the subject combinations offered. It is likely that it is your teaching experience and pedagogy that needs to be addressed. If you continue to be a 'cause for concern' the employer would not recommend the award for Full Registration at the end of the probationary period.
This would not happen as there will be a great deal of communication between Scottish Government and the local authorities leading up to allocations.
Because the subjects will be cognate (i.e. related subjects within the same faculty), there should be no difference in workload as the pedagogy and teaching practice will be the same or very similar.